Bonding & sleeping pouches have always been deemed necessary to the well-informed & researched sugar glider owner, however when sugar gliders first entered the pet market in Malaysia, there weren’t any pouches designed specifically for sugar gliders available at the time.

Phone pouches & small purses were used as makeshift bonding pouches & dried coconut shells or shirts served as it’s sleeping quarters. Unfortunately these are not products made for live animals so the seams & threads on the insides are not tucked away, the fabric & materials non-breathable which are all health hazards to sugar gliders. Limbs can easily be tangled in the loose threads & the non-breathable material may cause the glider to suffocate without an opening such as a mesh window. As a result, Suggiestuf was born.

Suggiestuf was created in 2007 by Krynzpeaches, also known as Diyana, & currently registered under Exotic Pets Ink. As a sugar glider owner herself, with the glider’s wellbeing in mind Diyana handmade sugar glider pouches & made it available to the public who were searching for proper sugar glider pouches.

Being one of those people, I purchased a set of pouches which are still in use today. Suggiestuf products are of quality & an excellent standard pouch that every sugar glider owner should have. Moreover any fixable damage from wear & tear can be repaired as Suggiestuf offers free mending service! It’s like lifetime warranty, how great is that?

However with it’s success, Suggiestuf as a reputable brand, attracted quite a lot of attention & pouches that looked exactly the same or similar by other companies or individuals began surfacing in the pet market. These other pouches so far are not up to par with Suggiestuf’s strict quality control as I have heard many negative feedbacks ranging from seams coming undone to the mesh coming loose from the fabric.

Quality control is important because poor quality in both craftsmanship & material jeopardizes your glider’s safety & health. So be sure to check on the quality & reviews on any kind of pouch you decide to purchase as a precaution.